Rachel's education and trips up and till 3 yrs old

I and hubby believed that kids too young wont be able to appreciate and understand where and what they have experienced even you spent lots of money to travel overseas.

So Rachel have never traveled far from Singapore, the furthest we have been is Malaysia KL.
And experienced parents will tell you kids won't appreciate what's going on until they are 3yrs old. I start to believe the truth in that.

At 18mths
Rachel went to enrichment class 1and 1/2 hrs once a week, one parent has to accompany throughout.After 3 mths , we withdrew her because the class routines were predictable and bored her.teachers also not very caring.said she's hyperactive , the truth is she 's bored by their activities.

At 20mths
Rachel went to childcare for the first time, whole day.it torn my heart to see her cry for the first time but I know I got to let go.
She was quite pathetic at childcare as teachers had to care a class , being the youngest there and whole day there at childcare, she's often quite neglected .
After 3mths, I changed her to another childcare where teachers are more caring and keep me more updated about her well being.
However, it still pains me to see her in childcare whole day while other children can go back half day with maids or grandparents. I had no choice as I need to work.

At 22mths
I worried that she is not learning much in school. Sent her to "litttle genius" at jurong east- left rightright brain lessons. Also need parents to accompany. Hahah after 3 mths gave up sending her to enrichment lessons.she just don't like it.waste our money .
In the end, I decided to spend more time with her. Learn thru play.
Read books every night, alternate Chinese and English books.
She likes drawing and craft work , so I bought a lot of poster colours, crayons, colour pens and colour papers.all these to develop her interest and talents.
I realise forcing her to learn a skill is just not suitable for her. As much as my dreams and vision for her is huge, I came to realise her happiness in learning is more important than my dreams and expectations of her.

Went to Jurong bird park .
Went to kluang 1 day trip.

32 mths
Went to RWS , bad choice. The games are not suitable for her at all.
She prefer eating ice cream than playing. Feels tired easily.

36 mths
Can walk more , not so dependent on stroller .
Went to coasta cruise , she enjoyed herself but I got sea sick instead.
Went to MBS , sky 81, a luxurious trip offered at a great discount by hubby's fren. Good place to walk to gardens by the bay , shopping not much .went to marina square for shopping instead.
She can play more with older kids .but still traveling with milk bottles , milk powder and pampers are quite a hassle.Of cos plus a stroller. Thank GOd my hubby is strong :)

3yrs old
Went to zoo , can understand more about animals .ask more questions .
Went to kuala lumper Malaysia for church retreat. Have to lookout for her all the time.she tends to run around.


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