My nose septoplasty in 2013

Health is more important to me now than anything else
I waited too long , now suffering the consequences of chronic sinus
Went for septoplasty and doc says I had the smallest nose and the most congested one. I think he is over exaggerating but now I really suffer like hell.

Here's the blog diary:

Had dried and blocked nose for months ever since moved to a new place.
Think poor ventilation
And soft toys irritate and worsen my sinus

Finally went to see a specialist dr Kenny pang (sleep Asia centre) cos 3 GP couldn't cure me.
He is said to be the best in Asia but I still had complications after my surgery. Really sua...

2013 august 
Diagnosed genetic Chronic sinus 
My child may inherit my have to clear all her toys except one soft toy
Doc suggested septoplasty as nose totally blocked and red
Seen doc
Went for septoplasty op
Day surgery
Went back for follow up
Take out the magnets
Left nose bled profusely
Went home with nasal cotton buds over weekend
went back for follow up
Bled again
Doc gave anti bleeding pills to stop bleeding
Seen doc , not fully healed.still reddish
Left nose still bleeds.
Doc says very unusual .
Observe and take it very slow next few days.
No salty stuff , soft diet and no solid food.
Munching exerts blood to flow to nose.
Need to take blood test on Monday.
Gastric flu.tummy pain
Very discouraged
But cannot cry
Why everything didn't go we'll this year
No more bleeding from left nose.
Cross fingers all will go well.
So hungry and gastric due to medication.
Bled slightly.discouraged .cried.
Ate nasal decongestant , slept and nose seem to be less unblocked.
A lot of mucus, still breathe thru mouth.
Seen doc.Use saline to wash nose. Still blocked on the left.
Sore throat
Sore throat better after taking anti sore throat pills.
Using saline water to flush nose
Nose can breathe a bit more, but get dried and congested easily after the flushing .
Worse during early morning ,all clogged up
Dried blood in nose ad blocked
Seen doc. Blood test shows white blood cells high.doc said I most prob having cold.bloody mucus.
Will continue to flush and see whether both nose can flow water.
Nose dripping blood after seeing doc. At 4pm, 12midnight and 4am.
Ear pain an blocked due to heavy washing of nose.
Cannot hear myself properly .pain.
Both ears blocked due or water retention.uncomfortable and pain . Left nose bleeding and dried up again. Not good sign.
When will I fully recover ? Need mouth , nose and ears.
God you are my strength and refuge . You shut me up so that I will only
Iisten to you .
Left nose stuck with a big dried piece .bleed slightly again.
Cannot eat eggs, milk,wheat, soya

From website
Postoperative nosebleed is a known complication of any type of intranasal surgery. it most often occurs 7-10 days postop and can usually be easily treated by your operating surgeon.

One month after septoplasty and turbinate reductions will have allowed enough time for the tissues to heal, but not completely. Bloody mucous can certainly accompany a viral cold in this setting.

Sinus surgery won't prevent you from getting colds during cold and flu season.

Septoplasty surgery usually does not cause external swelling or bruising. The nose feels congested and may bleed for two days, and pain medicine is necessary for about 3 days. Most surgeons do not use packing, but many use stents inside the nose. Most patients can breath fairly well after two weeks, and majority may return to work after 3 to 5 days. 
Finally graduated in dec 2013 
But nose still gets dried easily so need to spray saline water daily.
I pray for totally recovery in 2014


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