Bring child to work day

My first year with AWWA and AWWA organised "Bring child to work day"  for the first time. My daughter had the good opportunity to see how mummy goes to work and her work environment.
It was an eye opener for her as she took the MRT ride in the morning. MRT ride was crowded and she made a comment " Mummy, everyone is on their handphones!" 
yeah, it is really a Singaporean MRT phenomenon.
As adults , it is hard to tell the kids not to spend so much time on the phone when you do not set an example.
Her experience at my work place was described by her "fun and interesting, different from my school, more play areas and things are slower."
She shared that she saw a child about 5 yrs old , this little girl has no left fist.
I hope she learnt a lesson about empathy and care for others through this valuable experience.


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