Instilling Confidence in your Kids

Instilling Confidence in your kids

1) Love your child 

He or She needs to feel accepted and loved, beginning with the family and extending to other groups such as friends, schoolmates, sports teams, and community. If you yell or ignore or make some other parenting mistake, give your child a hug and tell him or her  you're sorry and you love him or her.

2) Pray for them

Pray for them before they sleep , pray for them when they feel anxious. Pray with them any time and any where. So that they will rely on God when they need help.

3) Encourage them to grow as God wants them to be

Reassure your child that it's OK not to be able to do everything perfectly. Tell him or her  that some things take repeated effort and practice—and sometimes it's OK to try again and never GIVE UP!

4) Give them space 

Self-confident children are willing to try new things without fear of failure. 
Set up situations where he or she can do things for herself and make sure the situation is safe—but then give him or her space.


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